Other API functions

Client-side API functions

  1. Disable tracking yourself

    1. UST.disableRecord()

    2. UST.enableRecord()

  2. Force send the recorded data

    1. UST.forceSendData()

  3. Track a new pageview

    1. UST.trackNewPage()

1. Disable tracking yourself


 // Starting with the next page load the tracking will be disabled

 // Removes the "disabled" flag.
 // Starting with the next page load you will be tracked


  • To disable tracking yourself or other client you can call UST.disableRecord() from the JavaScript console or from a JS file.

  • To re-enable tracking the curent client call UST.enableRecord()

  • The tracking enabled/disabled flag is stored in the localStorage. As long as the browser localStorage is not cleared/reset this setting will persist. (eg: you won't be tracked again unless you clear all your browser data/cookies/localStorage)

Note: You can also use the ust-opt-out and ust-opt-in query strings to disable tracking on a specific website where the tracker is installed. Access that website and add the query string like this: www.site.com?ust-opt-out.

2. Force send the recorded data


// A request to send *new* data to the server will be created


  • userTrack sends data to the server in an efficient way: it batches multiple actions made by the users and sends all of them at once in a single request. This means that sometimes you have recorded data stored on the client that hasn't been sent yet (it's queued to be sent in a specific amount of time). You can call UST.forceSendData() to reset the time left to send the next batch to 0, thus forcing userTrack to send the data as soon as possible.

  • One use case of this method is if you want to make sure the last seconds of the user's visit are recorded by calling UST.forceSendData() inside window onbeforeunload callback.

  • You could also call this function after the user makes an important action that you want to make sure has been sent to the server (eg: user clicks a specific button). Note that in this case you should also use UST.addTag()

3. Track a new page


// Creates a new pageview for this session

// By default, it first sends all the cached data (recordings, movements)
// for the current page before creating a new page.
// If you want to avoid sending the latest stored data, you can pass `true`:

// Create a new pageview WITHOUT first sending the remaining data for 
// the curret page (discard currently tracked but not sent data)

UST.trackNewPage() was added and is available from UXWizz version 6.5.0


  • This is often used when tracking Single Page Applications (SPAs). You normally want to call this when your routes changes, to track a new pageview (otherwise UXWizz will keep recording data as being for the initial entry page, so you will have 1 pageview only per session).

  • Note that, when using the full session recorder, this also takes a new snapshot of the current page (to be able to view a recording of only the current page if needed).

Last updated