Standalone Docker image
This page explains how to start a new UXWizz Docker container.
This guide assumes you already have Docker installed.
Starting the container
To start a new UXWizz container, run this command:
-d - Run the container detached, without having to keep the current console open
-p 8080:80 - Map the port 8080 on the host to port 80 in the container
--name uxwizz - Container instance name
-v uxwizz_www:/var/www/html - Volume to persist UXWizz webserver files
-v uxwizz_db:/var/lib/mysql - Volume to persist UXWizz database
uxwizz/uxwizz - The name of the public UXWizz Docker Image on DockerHub
Accessing UXWizz
Open the browser and access http://localhost:8080
If you installed it on a remote server, access it via the server IP instead.
You can change the port mapping by moidfying 8080, for example -p 80:80 -p 443:443 for a normal HTTP/HTTPS config.
The named volumes persist between container restarts.
Updating the platform is done through the UXWizz dashboard itself.
Last updated
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