Ubuntu 20.04 (or higher)
This guide assumes that you already have SSH (console) access to a clean Ubuntu installation. If you do not already have a server, check out the recommended server specs.
Steps summary:
You will learn how to setup the LAMP stack and how to install UXWizz.
LAMP Setup
To install Apache, PHP, MariaDB, run those commands in order:
Basic Security
Use those commands to enable firewall (ufw) and improve the default MySQL security.
Those steps are optional, but recommended. Follow the prompts whenever necessary.
Installing UXWizz
By default, the 14 days trial version will be installed.
You can then upgrade to the full version using a valid license key in the interface (Settings->Updates).
If you want to install directly the full version, replace the second line with
curl -Lo userTrack.zip
Remember to replace YOUR_LICENSE_CODE with the license code received via email and to change variant accordingly (wp for WordPress version, ag for the Agency Version).
Replace YOUR_ROOT_DATABASE_PASSWORD with the password chosen when you ran mysql_secure_installation.
If, after the installation you need to see the database connection credentials, the values are stored in server/dbconfig.php.
Adding your domain name
Install certbot
Certbot is used to generate a free Let's Encrypt certificate and manage its auto-renewal.
To set your own domain name for this dashboard, see this adding your domain name section.
Note: If accessing yoursite.com/server shows the Directory listing instead of 'Forbidden', it means that .htaccess files don't work properly. To fix this, set AllowOverride to All in your Apache2 config. You can automatically set it, assuming default paths, by running this command:
sudo sed -i 's/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
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